Karnataka Elections -2023


Karnataka Elections -2023.

It is election time again now as the Juggernaut moves from Northeast to the Southern state of Karnataka.
The predictions are based on the following premise.
Chaitra Shukla Pratipada date 21st March 2023, 22:52 PM. Bangalore. Venus Hora Once glance of the chart as Scorpio ascendant shows an extremely profound influence of Saturn through out the chart .
Ascendant Lord is in 8th house and 8th lord is debilitated aspected by Ketu. Ascendant in Saturn’s star
10th Lord Sun is 8 places away from it and in Saturn Nakshatra. Rahu aspect on 10th House
4 planets in 8th from 10th house – 3 of them in Saturn’s Nakshatra which includes the 10th lord Sun
Hora Lord in 6th house and in Rahu Ketu axis Aries and aspected by Saturn Rahu aspect on 10th house indicates there are some internal, hidden issues/ dis-satisfaction / internal revolt within ruling party.
Saturn very strongly placed in 4th and aspects 10th, 6th and Lagna -Lagna does receive an aspect of Jupiter but again Jupiter is in Saturn’s Nakshatra
These combinations indicate change of guard in Karnataka since the opposition to present Government is strong. The indications are that the mandate will be clear.
My best wishes to all the candidates who would be contesting. Best wishes to the people of Karnataka. We must exercise our franchise in the interest of the change/good that we wish to see around us – our votes are our aspirations !!

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